How to Prepare Teachers for Digital Education?

Dear readers,

Welcome to my blog again! Last time I was talking about the future impact of technology on teaching and learning. This time I would like be more specific, how to prepare teachers to use technology effectively in the classroom.

Back to my previous blog, it is shown that technology in classroom bring a lot of advantages for both students and teachers. However, even if teachers are tech-savvy in their personal lives, they use many electronic gadgets, that doesn't mean they understand how to use technology effectively in the classroom. Suppose I'm a managing director of a big business school and I want all students (who want to be a teacher) to be fully prepared for the future. What should I do? That would be an interesting question.

Firstly, preparation program about the use of technology in education should be introduced through out the courses. My friend who is now studying about business education told me that there are not many courses about the use of technology in classroom for them. Usually the teachers would just introduce the use of certain software for creating the graph of demand-supply or for the use of statistics. She said that mastering education technology is not a easy task as people think. I totally agree with her point as it require more than simply the completion of one course on that topic​. Instead, it comes through the constant use of digital programs and should be an integral part of every teacher preparation course. Perhaps the courses can introduce how to use VR, AI, collaborating platform, etc to the future teachers. So that they can be more prepared.

Secondly, how to make sure that students are having good use of technology in classroom is another difficult problem. Technology is playing an ever more prominent role in education,  yet, it is important to emphasize classroom practice and use appropriate technology tools for different tasks. When every students is holding an iPad during classes instead of printed books, how to ensure that they are really learning but not watching Youtube, playing games? Education program should also include the correct classroom practice and order, so that the future teachers can make good use of digital products in the class.

When it comes to education technology, the next generation of teachers is getting a steady supply of knowledge and practice. But like anything, technology must be integrated well to help students learn. However, some technologies work in some places and they don't in other places.  Perhaps more preparation programs can be included in education courses, so as to prepare teachers for the digital education.
