What is the future of technology in education?

Dear readers,

Welcome back again! Last time I was talking about whether technology can replace teachers in the future or not. I am so happy to see your comments and feedback. Today, I would like to talk about what is the future of technology in education.

Firstly, I believe that the technological gadgets will be widely used in Kindergarten, Primary school, Secondary school, University, etc. Today, many students are still using text materials. Yet, I am sure that textbooks will disappear very soon. In the future, no one will bring lots of heavy textbooks to school. Instead, what they carry is only an iPad. All learning materials are stored in it while students can jot notes and review them anytime and anywhere. They can also access to online test or collaboration platform easily. With more widely usage, iPad or tablet will become more affordable which will be more environmental friendly as well. Therefore, traditional press may need revolution. I talked to my friend who is a news reporter in HK yesterday. She admitted that they cannot stick to the old trend, but have to start transforming their work to digital press or work on social media platform, including educational press too. Otherwise, the tradition publishing industry will decline very soon.

Secondly, wearable devices will be more popular in education as well. You may say that iPads and other mobile technology are already the trend. However, I believe that wearable items including Google Glass and VR gear will be used in education which can enhance teaching and learning effectiveness in the long run. Imagine in the future you don't need to go to school. With the VR headset, it can generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulates your physical presence in a virtual learning environment, like a classroom. A teacher is just like standing in front of you to teach you while both of you save lots of time and money on transportation to school. Isn't it efficient and worthwhile?

Thirdly, the future education will  become more global. The future is about access, anywhere learning and collaboration, both locally and globally. Some universities already uploaded lecture online to the public now like Harvard University. In the future, it may not necessary to go for exchange program in foreign countries anymore. Instead, we can just stay at home and take online course of foreign universities. You can totally experience different learning culture and teaching style! In the future, my home university may not need to hire oversea professors. They can stay at their home city and give lectures to us haha!

Some of them should be happening now. I believe there will be more changes in the field of education. Maybe we can discuss next time! What do you think the future of technology in education will look like? Can you imagine how technology will be used in education?
